We're here to help.
We would be happy to help if you in case find any problem with submitting your business.
Please find the common FAQs which would help you to understand how it works . If you are still unable to sort it out kindly give us a call or write us at contact@dehradunbusinessdirectory.com
Add Business24/7 Online Support
We're here to help whenever you need us.
We have a dedicated team which would be assisiting you incase you are facing any issue. We have the contact us option as well wherein you can submit your query through a form. We would revert to you as soon as possible once the query is received.m
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Common FAQ
Contact us if you need any more help.
Due to the nature of our business it is not possible to cancel the subscription. We offer life time live listings against a small fee. Please understand it is your business and it is an one time investment and not expense. We are working hard to promote your business.
We accept cash, UPI, wallets and bank transfer,.
Once you create a account you would be directed to your account dashboard wherein you can manage your listing and update your profile.
We don't store any credit card information or any other payment details. Our site is secured through SSL and is safe for online transactions.
You will get a manual receipt in case you need it for accounting purposes.
We have inbuilt search engine optimization coding which helps in getting your business listing appear in search results. We also promote your business though social media and other online channels.
Upgrades are additional benefits to boost the visibility of your business listing. These benefits are paid and are for 90 days period however you can renew it anytime. Please call us for more details.
If you are unable to login or forgot your username or password you can always reset your password through the forgot password link at the login page.