Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. (ONGC) – One of the premier Fortune 500 companies
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. (ONGC) in a multinational Indian oil and gas production company with it’s headquarter situated in Dehradun, India. ONGC is a PSU, Public Sector Undertaking under Indian Government. This company works under directorial control of MoP&NG, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. is the largest Oil and Gas production and exploration company of India.
Prior to Indian independence, Attock Oil Company and Assam Oil Company of north-western and north-eastern parts respectively in the un-partitioned India were mere solitary companies producing oil with very little input of exploration. The most important portions of various sedimentary basins in India were deemed not to be fit for developing gas and oil resources. After independence, Indian central government comprehended the value and need of oil and gas in this country fostering rapid development of industries. Indian Government analysed the role of gas and oil in Defence. While framing a statement for Industrial Policy in 1948, Indian government pondered and thereby considered it necessary to develop petroleum industry in India’s perspective.
In anticipation during 1955, various private oil companies mostly carried out sheer investigation of available resources of hydrogen in India. The Assam Oil Company was engaged in producing oil in Digboi which was discovered in 1889 and the Oil India Limited Company was busy in developing Moraan and Naharkatiya, the two large newly discovered fields in Assam. In 1956, a new Industrial Policy Resolution was adopted by Central Government of India, which positioned Mineral Oil Industry in a list of ‘A’ scheduled industries.
Soon after the doctorate of Oil and Natural Gas Company was established, it was quite apparent that it’ll not be possible for the Directorate because of limited administrative and financial powers. Thus, in August of 1956 the Directorate was lifted up with enhanced powers to particular rank of a commission. In 1959, that commission was further converted to form a statutory body pertaining to the parliament of India by an act.
The main objectives of the Oil and Natural Gas Commission Act’s provision were designated to plan, organize, implement, promote various programs for sustainable development, production as well as sale of Petroleum Resources or associated Petroleum products which were produced by them. They were also confined to perform some other functions subject to the assignment of Central Government of India. This act also sketched substantial steps and actions to be taken by the Oil and Natural Gas Commission (ONGC) in order to fulfil its mandate.
The company produces almost 69 percent of crude oil from India which is equivalent to almost 30 per cent of the demand of the country. It also produces around 62 per cent of natural gas in the country. The market capitalization of Oil and Natural Gas Commission in March 31st in 2013 was 2.6 trillion INR which is equivalent to US$ 48.98 billion. This made the company achieve the second largest position in a list of publicly traded companies of India. ONGC is ranked 357th in the list of companies under Fortune Global 500, quite lately in 2012. In a list of Top 250 companies of Global Energy, it is ranked 22nd. Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. is engaged in exploiting, exploring myriad hydrocarbons in 26 distinct Indian sedimentary basins and it also owns and functions over 11,000 kilometres of pipeline present in India. The international subsidiary of this company is currently holding projects in 15 foreign countries.
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. in Dehradun have a workforce of more than 41000 who are dedicated to render constant upgradation and innovation of technology. This company has an outstanding ambience for growth, development and also offers a good deal of remuneration package which falls at par along with the top Indian industries. They offer employment at all levels of different disciplines. Candidates for various different streams can apply for the post of senior, middle as well as lower levels of executives. The candidates who can apply include:
- Engineering: Includes Civil, Construction, Chemical, Instrumentation, Computer Engineering and Programming, Maintenance, Drilling, Electrical, Electronics and Telecommunications, Mechanical, Production, Auto and Petroleum.
- Geo-sciences: This includes Chemistry, Mathematics, Palaeontology, Geology, Geophysics, Electronics, Reservoir and Physics.
For the post of Support and administration the students in the following fields are allowed to apply.
- Finance and Accounting
- Hindi
- Economics and Statistics
- Industrial Relations
- Industrial Engineering
- Medical and Paramedical
- Legal
- Marketing
- Security and Vigilance systems
- Corporate Communications
- Materials Management
- Fire Services
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd., Dehradun advertise their vacancies in printed as well as via electronic media at the time of requirement of manpower in a particular field or segment. Employees are also transferred to other projects, institutions, regions and work centers. The transfer processes may be bound to India or it can also be abroad depending upon the requirements.